Small but Mighty: A Size Guide to Toy & Small Dogs


 small dogs sat in a row



Toy and Small Dog Size Guide: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Furry Friend


 Who doesn't adore a tiny dog that fits in their lap and brings them joy?
Small homes are ideal for toy-sized dogs; not only are toy and small dogs adorable, but also devoted and loving friends. Toy dogs are ideal for families with children or single people seeking for a furry friend because they are little in stature but huge on personality and enthusiasm.

Everyone can find a small dog that is the perfect size and shape. Dogs of all sizes, from the tiny Chihuahua to the fluffy Bichon Frise, have unique personalities and traits that make them special. Whether you're searching for a playful friend to take to the park or a lap dog to cuddle with. Toy and small dogs are sure to steal your heart.

Toy & Small Dog Breeds Size Chart: 

Here's a size chart of some of the UK's most popular toy and small dog breeds.

This includes the average length, height, and weight of each breed, making it easier for you to find the right size pet accessory for your furry friend.

Breed Average Length (cm) Average Height (cm) Average Weight (kg)
Chihuahua 23 - 28 15 - 23 1 - 3
Yorkshire Terrier 18 - 23 20 - 23 2 - 3
Shih Tzu 20 - 28 20 - 28 4 - 7
Bichon Frise 23 - 30 23 - 30 5 - 10
Miniature Dachshund 28 - 30 13 - 18 4 - 5
Pomeranian 20 - 28 20 - 28 1.8 - 3.5
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 30 - 33 30 - 33 5 - 8
French Bulldog 28 - 33 28 - 33 8 - 14
Miniature Schnauzer 30 - 36 30 - 36 5 - 9
Cocker Spaniel 38 - 43 35 - 38 10 - 15
Beagle 33 - 41 33 - 41 9 - 16
Boston Terrier 38 - 43 38 - 43 4.5 - 11
Cockapoo 28 - 40 28 - 40 5 - 10
Cavapoo 28 - 33 28 - 33 5 - 9
Scottish Terrier 25 - 28 25 - 28 8 - 10
Jack Russell Terrier 25 - 30 25 - 30 5 - 8
Pug 25 - 30 25 - 30 6 - 8
Lhaso Apso 25 - 30 25 - 28 5.4 - 8.2
Fox Terrier 43 - 45 36 - 38 7 - 8

Remember that these are just average measurements, and so you may find some tiny (get it?) differences. Individual dogs may vary dependent on factors such as: gender, diet, and exercise. It's always important to measure your own dog to ensure a proper fit.

Want your dog's breed adding to the wall of fame?

Contact us, we'd love to add them to the chart - all dogs deserve love!

Stylish and Supportive: Small Dog Size Selections


(A Dachshund hitching a lift in a Basil Front Bike Basket)

With this size chart - paired with your measurement's - you can make an informed decision that you are purchasing the right size of pet accessory for your toy dog, whether it's a dog stroller, pet carrier or a dog bike trailer from top brands such as Ibiyaya, Innopet, Croozer, and Burley.
Perhaps your beloved best friend needs a little support, a dog wheelchair could be the solution. Show your furry friend some love by providing them with the best possible comfort and safety with the perfect-sized pet accessory!

 Shop our specially curated accessories collection for something tail-ored to fit.

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